About Monteum Ltd.

outside-la-poissonnerieEstablished in 1974, Monteum originally operated from Shoreham Beach, where as a young lad the proprietor, Jim Partridge learnt to fish, and where the locals have been buying Jim’s catch of the day since 1957.

In 1981 Pete Huxtable MBE (now locally famous/a superhero) joined forces with Jim creating a dynamic duo and forming the backbone of Monteum that remains to this day.

Monteum had a new home in 1983 when the quayside at Fisherman’s Wharf was purchased. Back then Monteum predominantly provided fish to the UK and European wholesale market. The retail fish shop, now named La Poissonnerie, opened in 1993 providing a retail outlet to the local community.

Monteum began making plastic Lobster Pots onsite in 2014. These pots are used by the fleet of boats on our quayside and are also on sale to the wholesale market. Please click here for prices and more information on our lobster pots.

In 2012 Jim’s youngest daughter Alex got on board, and with Jim & Pete still dominating the helm, Monteum remains a family run firm.

Our aim is to provide our customers with a superior quality and diversity of fish & shellfish whilst encouraging our fish stocks, protecting our environment and therefore securing our industry for future generations.

We take an active role within several associations and organisations, where not only are we privilege to the most up-to-date information on fishing techniques and environmental protection measures but by sitting on the board we also play a part in helping to create some of them.

We are in the process of working towards all our fishing fleet being certified for the Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS), a scheme which shows the public that we fish using responsible methods and look after it to a good standard in order to achieve maximum product quality. It shows we fish sustainably and are environmentally responsible. We are proud that the newest member of our fleet, Royal Rebel, is already RFS accredited.

Standards & Associations

  • Seafish - The Authority on Seafood
    Shellfish Association of Great Britain
    National Federation of Fishmongers
    Be a Fisherman's Friend - Greenpeace
    Sussex IFCA
    Responsible Fishing Scheme